After its launch at the beginning of 2021, and win the matching award of the year at The Game Awards last year, It Takes Two will finally arrive at Nintendo Switch on November 4. In this way, Josef Fares, the director of this title, had the opportunity, not only to talk about this title, but to give new clues about his next project .
In an interview with VGC, Fares talked about the reception he has had it takes two since its launch, where more than seven million units sold have been achieved. Next to this, spoke a little more about his next game, which is on the right track. This is what he said:
We are making good progress, but there is much more to do. It definitely goes in the right direction. And it will be something great.
Get ready for me, man, I'm going. Trust me... he will leave you speechless.
Along with this, the director revealed that he will be present at The Game Awards 2022, where he will be responsible for awarding the matching award of the year on this occasion. However, Fares did not confirm or denied the possibility that his next game is revealed during this award . However, his statements and emotion for the event could well indicate that this would be the case.
The Game Awards will take place on December 8 . In related issues, you can learn more about the next game of Josef Fares here. Similarly, this is our it takes two review.
Editor's note:
After the fantastic game that was it takes two, I can't wait to see what will be the next step of Josef Fares and Haze light Studios. Although overcoming the 2021 title sounds like a titanic task, I am sure that this is possible, and I want to see what the final result is.
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